Sanbera Switzerland

Reconnect with
your wellbeing

As a Swiss brand, we understand the power of fresh air, good nutrition, outdoor exercise, and a balanced lifestyle. However, our nationality also makes us realists - we know that modern life and our responsibilities can be our biggest distraction from self-care. Wellness rituals can take time, so to be a truly sustainable practice we wanted to create a product that would fit seamlessly into our busy lives: The solution to the challenges of modern living, inspired by our nation’s love for nature. A grand ambition? We know. So, we designed Sanbera: Swiss-made, plant-based, daily supplements, custom-designed for her and him.

Sanbera — for her


Discover our collection of daily supplements for women, blended using science and nature. We use only the purest, premium quality, plant-based formulas to help support immunity, energy, and health.

Sanbera — for him


Explore our collection of daily supplements for men, crafted with science and nature. Our plant-based formulas support immunity, energy, and by using only the purest, highest-quality ingredients.

Daily Formula

A powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, and food extracts designed to manage the challenges of modern living and the first step of the Sanbera system. The Daily Formula is designed to fit seamlessly into your self-care ritual and support your immunity, smooth your complexion, enhance performance and boost mood.

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