At Sanbera, we create premium, plant-based nutritional supplements that enhance overall health and beauty. Beyond our commitment to health, we are equally passionate about fostering a more inclusive and socially responsible society. Recently, our efforts were recognized when we were awarded the "Social Responsibility" label from VEBO. This honor represents our uncompromising commitment to ethical practices, community support, and meaningful partnerships.

The Social Responsibility label is a certification awarded by VEBO, a Swiss organization renowned for its efforts in integrating individuals with diverse abilities into the workforce. VEBO operates numerous facilities across Switzerland, providing employment opportunities and fostering an inclusive work environment. The Social Responsibility label is given to companies that demonstrate a strong commitment to ethical practices, community support, and social inclusivity.

Our Partnership with VEBO

Our collaboration with VEBO led us to earn the Social Responsibility label. At Sanbera, we recognized the importance of creating a product that not only promotes health but also contributes positively to society. This led us to partner with VEBO, whose mission aligns perfectly with our values.

VEBO specializes in integrating people with diverse abilities into the workforce, ensuring they have access to meaningful employment. Through this partnership, we ensure that our packaging processes are handled with the utmost care and precision, while also supporting a more inclusive society. The individuals at VEBO bring dedication and attention to detail to their work, ensuring that every Sanbera product meets the highest standards of quality.

The Social Responsibility Label

Receiving the Social Responsibility label from VEBO is a significant milestone for us. It symbolizes our commitment to making a positive impact on society. As Sonia Schläpfer, Partner at Sanbera, proudly stated during the certification ceremony, “It is a great honor to receive the Social Responsibility label from VEBO. This recognition represents our commitment to ethical practices and our meaningful partnership with VEBO. Together, we are driving a vision of inclusivity and social responsibility, of which we are incredibly proud.”

The Social Responsibility label makes it easier for our valued, socially conscious clients to identify products that align with their values. By choosing Sanbera, they are not only investing in their health but also supporting a company dedicated to ethical practices and community support.

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Ethical Practices at Sanbera

At Sanbera, ethical practices are at the core of everything we do. From sourcing high-quality, plant-based ingredients to ensuring fair labor practices, we are committed to operating in a way that is both responsible and sustainable.

Sustainable Sourcing: Our commitment to ethical practices begins with our ingredients. We source our plant-based ingredients from suppliers who adhere to sustainable farming practices. This not only ensures the highest quality for our products but also supports the well-being of the environment and the communities involved in their production.

Fair Labor Practices: We believe in treating all individuals involved in our supply chain with fairness and respect. This includes ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and opportunities for growth and development. Our partnership with VEBO is a prime example of our commitment to fair labor practices, as it provides meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with diverse abilities.

Transparency and Accountability: We believe in being transparent with our customers about the ingredients we use and the processes involved in creating our products. This transparency builds trust and ensures that our customers can make informed decisions about the products they choose to support.

Community Support and Inclusivity

Supporting the community is a fundamental aspect of our mission at Sanbera. We believe that businesses have a responsibility to give back and contribute to the well-being of society. Our partnership with VEBO is just one example of how we are working to support our community.

Inclusivity: Inclusivity is at the heart of our collaboration with VEBO. By integrating individuals with diverse abilities into the workforce, we are promoting a more inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and thrive. This inclusivity extends to our customers as well. We strive to create products that are accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Neighbourhood Initiatives: Beyond our partnership with VEBO, we are involved in various community initiatives aimed at promoting health and well-being. This includes supporting local organizations, sponsoring events, and participating in community outreach programs. By engaging with our community, we are able to make a direct and positive impact on the lives of those around us.

Education and Awareness: Education is key to promoting social responsibility. Through our blog, social media channels, and other platforms, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of ethical practices, sustainability, and community support. By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we hope to inspire others to join us in our mission to create a better world.

Looking Ahead: Shaping a More Inclusive Future

As we look to the future, we remain committed to creating a more inclusive and socially responsible society. The Social Responsibility label from VEBO is just the beginning. We will continue to seek out partnerships and initiatives that align with our values and further our mission.

Expanding Our Impact: We are constantly exploring new ways to expand our impact and support even more individuals and communities. This includes identifying additional opportunities for collaboration with organizations like VEBO, as well as expanding our community initiatives and outreach programs.

Innovating for Good: Innovation is at the core of our approach to social responsibility. We are dedicated to finding new and innovative ways to improve our products and processes, ensuring they are as sustainable and ethical as possible. This includes investing in research and development, exploring new technologies, and continuously seeking out feedback from our customers and partners.

Empowering Consumers: We believe that informed consumers can drive positive change. By providing transparent information about our products and practices, we empower our customers to make choices that align with their values. We are committed to continuing this transparency and ensuring that our customers have the information they need to make a positive impact through their purchases.

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Join Us on Our Journey.

At Sanbera, we are incredibly proud of the recognition we have received with the Social Responsibility label from VEBO. But our journey doesn’t end here. We are committed to continuing our efforts and working towards a brighter, more inclusive future.

We invite you to join us on this journey. Whether it’s through choosing our products, supporting our community initiatives, or simply spreading the word about the importance of social responsibility, every action makes a difference. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Thank you for being a part of the Sanbera community and for supporting our mission to empower health and embrace responsibility.

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