Zinc takes second place after iron as the most abundant trace mineral in the body. Present in almost every single body cell, this mineral plays a role in more than 300 enzyme functions. Zinc benefits vary from gene expression to immune function, wound healing, growth, development, testosterone production, and more.

Zinc is an essential nutrient, meaning that although it is vital for our existence, it cannot be created in the body and has to be consumed through our diet or supplementation. Suboptimal zinc levels may lead to an impaired immune system, cracked skin appearance, slow healing of wounds, and depression. Zinc deficiency may even reduce your ability to taste and smell because the enzymes required for these senses rely on this mineral for proper function.

While noticeably abundant in oysters, zinc is also available in other animal-based and plant-based foods, such as red meat, poultry, dairy products, beans, nuts, crab, lobster, whole grains, and fortified food products.

A nutrient critical to our well-being, our Daily Essential Women and Daily Essential Men contain carefully proportionate amounts of zinc. This article explores the benefits of zinc, its importance to men’s health, and zinc supplementation.

Benefits of zinc and immunity

The role zinc has in the production, growth, function, and signaling of immune cells makes it vital for a robust immune response.

Scientists have found the connection between our zinc levels, the infection-fighting T cell levels, and the size of the thymus, in which these cells are created. When zinc-deficient people receive supplements, their thymus begins to pump out T cells.

Research proves that supplementing with zinc within 24 hours after the cold symptoms can shorten the duration of the sickness. Another study shows that supplementing with 80-92 mg of zinc each day may reduce the length of the common cold by 33%.

In our Daily Essential Women and Daily Essential Women supplements, zinc is combined with vitamin C, all B vitamins, and iron to strengthen your immune system.

Faster healing of the wounds

You may remember your mother using zinc creams on your sunburns as a child, or you may be keeping one in your medicine cabinet to treat burns, ulcers, and other skin injuries. This is because of the part zinc has in collagen synthesis, immune function, and inflammatory response. Over 5% of our zinc is stored in the skin.

Topical zinc and zinc supplements are both proven to aid faster-wound healing. One 12-week study with 60 people suffering from diabetic foot ulcers found that those who supplemented 200 mg of zinc every day experienced significantly better results compared to the placebo group.

Anti-inflammatory benefits of zinc

Oxidative stress occurs when the production of oxygen-reactive species exceeds our detoxifying abilities. This imbalance harms cells, proteins, and DNA contributes to aging and can cause several common conditions and diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's.

Zinc is proven to be an effective antioxidant, successfully reducing the number of inflammatory proteins. For instance, in a study with 40 middle-aged and older adults, the inflammatory markers in the group which supplemented 45 mg of zinc daily had a more significant drop than in the placebo group.

Sanbera daily supplements include powerful antioxidant nutrients like vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, and zinc to fight oxidative imbalance.

Zinc for older adults

Scientists have been interested in the effects of zinc on the immune system of aging adults and how it promotes immune response in older ages.

Many studies have found a connection between zinc deficiency and aging. While these studies do not classify the majority of elderly to have suboptimal zinc values, even slightly low zinc levels can also impair immune function. Therefore, zinc supplementation is a potential solution for improving immunity and calming chronic inflammatory responses in older adults.

Various studies have proven that supplementing with zinc may reduce the risk of age-related diseases like pneumonia, infection, and macular degeneration, also known as AMD. For instance, older adults who supplement zinc experienced a better response to influenza vaccination, reduced risk of pneumonia, and improved mental functioning.

Another study discovered that supplementing 45mg of elemental zinc daily, was able to decrease the rate of infection in older adults by nearly 66%.

In a large study with over 4,200 participants supplementing with antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and 80 mg of zinc, vision loss and the risk of advanced AMD were significantly decreased.

Skin clarity and hair growth

As the largest and most easily visible organ in our body, the appearance of our skin is a good indicator of the state of our health. That is why our lifestyle can easily be traced through the look of our skin and why improved skin clarity is one of the first changes most notice after a while with Sanbera.

The role zinc has in the synthesis of protein, the healing of wounds, and its miraculous antioxidant abilities all make it vital for your skin health.
It is also essential for the proper digestion and functioning of other skin foods, as it helps in the breakdown of the substance P, the metabolism of omega 3, and the transportation of vitamin A from the liver.

Collagen, which gives your skin that bouncy and bright look, cannot be produced without zinc, and the relatively high amounts of zinc in our skin support the endurance and hydration of the skin. Therefore, even a slight zinc deficiency may cause a significant drop in total collagen, roughen and dry up your skin, and slow down your wound healing.

Acne is a common skin disease, affecting around 9.4% of the population. Due to the anti-inflammatory and immune-system-boosting properties of zinc, it has long been used for treating this skin disease.

Zinc deficiency is also common among eczema sufferers, and rough, patchy skin may be a symptom of zinc deficiency. One study discovered that around 73% of eczema patients experienced improvements after a month of supplementing with 60 mg of zinc daily.

Its role in protein synthesis and keratin production makes it directly connected to your hair growth and quality. Weak, thin hair is a common symptom of zinc deficiency. If you suffer from low hair quality, the combination of iron, vitamin B12, vitamin E, and vitamin B6 in our Essential Women and Essential Men supplements may be a potential cure.

Zinc benefits for men

Zinc is so essential for the well-being of men. The Men’s Health magazine named it “the ultimate sex mineral”. A man’s zinc levels impact his fertility, potency, sex drive, and even his risk of prostate cancer.

Research has proven that the amount of zinc in a man’s diet plays a great part in defining his testosterone levels. In one study in 1966, after young men were fed a low zinc diet, for 20 weeks until they developed a zinc deficiency, their testosterone levels significantly dropped by 75%.

Low testosterone levels in males may lead to several issues, from physical changes to erectile dysfunction, depression, and even impaired memory and concentration.

Although testosterone levels tend to drop as we age, research also proves that an increased zinc intake can double the testosterone levels of the elderly population.

The criticality of zinc in sperm production is evident when we consider that each ejaculation can expend up to 5 milligrams of zinc, which is almost half a daily allowance. Your zinc values also play a critical part in the motility of your sperms, which is their endurance and ability to swim forward. Therefore, to take care of your health, libido, or reproduction abilities, you should keep an eye on your zinc intake.

Furthermore, zinc is so vital for maintaining prostate health. The prostate stores the second highest amount of zinc after the bones. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the Agricultural Research Service discovered that cancerous prostate tissue has significantly less zinc than healthy organ tissue. Older adults with a sedentary lifestyle and an unsupervised diet tend to have lower than recommended zinc values and higher chances of an enlarged prostate.


Although, as a trace mineral, we do not need a lot of zinc in our diet, the World Health Organization estimates that around 30% of the global population is zinc deficient, with 7500 annual deaths directly caused by zinc deficiency. Experts believe these high rates are because of the soil’s decreased density in zinc due to chemical farming, the popularity of restricted diets, and the absence of fresh foods.

Considering these conditions, many choose to take zinc supplements. While experts do not recommend intranasal zinc as it may cause long-term harm to the sense of smell, oral zinc supplementation has proven to be generally safe and beneficial.

Our supplements are 100% safe, complementing the nutrients you already receive through your usual diet while strengthening the foundations of your well-being. Therefore, the amount of zinc in our daily supplements is enough to boost your immune system, aid wound healing, and improve your clarity without causing any potential buildup or damage to your health.

We understand that nutrients do not function independently, but as a team, they are dosed clinically to deliver noticeable and lasting results.

All our ingredients are 100% vegan and sustainable. With the highest bioavailability, we are here to make a lasting impact, helping you to be your absolute best.

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