Folic acid is a form of vitamin B9, also known as folate. Vitamin B9 can be naturally sourced in leafy green vegetables, fruits, and beans, while the synthetic form can be found in supplements and fortified foods such as flour, cereals, pasta, and bread. Suboptimal folate values have been linked to anaemia, an increased risk of cancer and heart diseases, and developmental irregularities in infants.

Since folate is water soluble like the rest of the vitamin B group, it cannot be stored in the body and has a very high deficiency risk. Therefore, many countries have set regulations for fortifying certain foods with folic acid to decrease deficiency rates.

Folic acid is converted in the body to its active, usable form. It collaborates with water-soluble vitamins like vitamins C, B12, and B6 to break down and produce new proteins. Folate is responsible for making and protecting DNA and the natural division of all cells, including red blood cells.

Due to its role in cell production and DNA protection, folate is essential for our overall health. It affects the immune and reproductive systems and boosts skin and nail health.

Considering its role in red blood cell production, folic acid can be especially beneficial to women who are generally more at risk of anaemia. Folic acid is essential for safe embryo development and preventing neural tube defects.

The daily and nightly Sanbera supplements for women contain folic acid as one of the main ingredients in the highest bioavailability.

Folic acid and pregnancy

You may have heard that pregnant women and those who plan on becoming pregnant are recommended to take folic acid supplements. Throughout recent years, folic acid earned the spotlight due to its role in preventing pregnancy anaemia and embryo irregularities, including neural tube defects.

Folate is partly responsible for making and repairing DNA, aiding cell division and healthy cell growth. Therefore, it is vital to the embryo’s well-being. Folate is essential for the healthy development of the neural tube, a structure that later becomes the brain and spinal cord. The neural tube closes during the fourth to sixth week of pregnancy. If folate resources do not suffice to aid the process during that period, NTDs occur.

Worldwide, more than 300000 infants are born with NTDs each year, a number large enough for governments to oblige fortifying foods with folic acid to prevent deficiencies.

Around 5% of reproductive-age women have unexpected pregnancies they will not know about until the neural tube development is complete. At that point, supplementing with folic acid will not be helpful. Folate is also beneficial for decreasing the risk of complications like preeclampsia.

How does folic acid prevent anaemia?

 Women are generally more vulnerable to anaemia. Therefore, they must especially keep track of their folate levels. Folate breaks down proteins necessary for healthy cell division and growth, so it is a required element in the production of red blood cells.

Suboptimal folate and vitamin B12 values can lead to macrocytic anaemia. The body produces abnormally large and non-functioning red blood cells in macrocytic anaemia.

This complication is common in pregnant mothers with low folate levels, as higher blood plasma values in pregnancy require more red blood cells. Mothers soon-to-be need even more folate to keep up with their increased plasma and avoid vitamin-deficient anaemia.

How is folic acid beneficial to the brain?

 Confusion, depression, and brain fog can all be signs of folate deficiency. Folate and the rest of the vitamin B group are vital for regulating metabolism and making methionine, an essential chemical for neurotransmitter production. Research shows that inadequate folate levels may be linked to poor mental function and an increased risk of cognitive disorders such as dementia.

One study with 180 participants suffering from mild cognitive impairment discovered that supplementing moderate levels of folic acid for two years can break down the proteins involved in Alzheimer’s disease, decrease their blood values, and improve overall brain function.

Research also shows that folic acid can fight against inflammation and improve clarity. Health risks associated with cognitive impairment are among the highest in developed countries. An active mind and clear thoughts enable you to be present to live and enjoy your life. With Sanbera, you can upgrade your clarity and focus with supplements designed to deliver lasting results.

How does folic acid benefit mental health?

 Mental health is not simple without the neurotransmitters functioning well. And the neurotransmitters are produced with folate, as mentioned above. Low folate consumption can result in mental conditions like depression and schizophrenia.

Research is evident that people with depression may have lower folate values. Folic acid supplements on the side of prescribed medication have proven to be more beneficial in reducing depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder syndromes.

Folic acid, menopause, and the reduced risk of heart disease

It has been over thirty years since a study by Harvard suggested that low folate levels may be a factor in heart disease in older women, as folate, homocysteine, and heart conditions appear to be related.

Folate is necessary for a healthy heart because it is required to break down and manage proteins such as homocysteine. High homocysteine levels, also known as hyper homocysteinemia, can cause hot flashes, sweats, hypertension, and heart disease.

According to a study by the Journal of Caring Sciences, 1-milligram folic acid supplements helped calm the hot flashes of menopausal women and shorten their duration. Another study with over 80000 participants discovered that folic acid supplementation lowered heart disease risk by 4% and stroke risk by 10%.

Folic acid and improved complexion

 Folate partakes in cell growth and DNA maintenance and protection. It affects every single particle in your body. Cellular regeneration affects our skin, hair, and nails. With low folate levels, you may experience dull, dry skin.

Vitamin B9 also collaborates in making new cells, which prevent premature aging caused by sun damage. Its supplementation increases collagen production, bringing you bouncy, toned, and firm skin. Healthy skin goes beyond aesthetics. We feel good when we look good.

Vitamins C, E, A, niacin, and more are all present in our Daily Essential Women tablets providing many benefits, including an improved complexion.

Who should take folic acid supplements?

 Low folate values decrease the speed of recovery, negatively impact the process of cell production and growth, and increase the risk of cancer. Adult women need to consume 400mcg of folate daily, a number that increases during pregnancy and at older ages.

Vitamin B9 can be sourced in plant-based foods like citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and avocado. Receiving your daily folate through a healthy and inclusive diet is the ideal solution, but it might not be the most accessible to everyone. Therefore, taking folic acid supplements is a safe solution for taking care of yourself and preventing deficiencies.

Folic acid is present in our Nightly Reload Women, which improves your sleep, and enables you to wake up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized.

In the Daily Essential Women, folic acid supports your heart health. It manages the quality of your red blood cells and prevents slow, foggy thoughts.

All Sanbera supplements are designed sustainably to meet the nutritional needs of our modern living. We use vegan, organic ingredients to provide lasting results that do not harm the earth.

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